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About Seattle Police Foundation

Seattle Police Foundation (SPF) is a 501(c)3 focused on supporting the Seattle Police Department to build relationships and provide additional funding where needed. They have 2.5 FTEs and 33 board members who come from diverse leadership backgrounds. 2022 is their 20TH anniversary.

SPF funds law enforcement enhancements that fall outside the City budget in the areas of community programs, safety equipment, and training.


 Some of the grants Seattle Police Foundation has funded in 2021:

  • Financial support for Officer Lexi Harris’ memorial service
  • Officer Wellness Fund: support the Unit allowing them to respond to specific needs
  • Laser Eye Protection film for helmet visors for Community Response Group (CRG)
  • Historic Homicide: funding for additional DNA processing for unsolved homicides
  • CSI Tower Lights: new lighting for crime scene inspection
  • Outward Mindset Training: Pilot program funding which lead to grant funding for department wide training
  • Translation and printing of Safe Place materials in 5 additional languages
  • Supplies for CSO outreach including bottled water, snacks, socks, etc.
  • Hotel rooms, emergency transportation and supplies for victims of domestic violence
  • Training and medical supplies for 16 new EMTs
  • Matching funds for new Arson Bomb Robot and new GEMINI drug detector
  • Purchasing of items needed to make precincts more professional and comfortable for sworn & civilian employees

Community - Service Enhancements - Employee Development

Seattle Police Activities League (SeaPAL) – provides youth the opportunity to be part of programming activities with police officers serving as coaches, mentors, and role models.

Beds for Kids - created by officers, the program has provided over 1,500 beds for kids throughout the Seattle area.

Safe Place – encourages businesses and organizations to become part of the solution bringing awareness to a rise in hate crimes and directly assist the victims of those crimes.

Internet Crimes Against Children Conference – a weeklong conference where law enforcement meet, enhance perspectives, and improve collaboration to continue their mutual goal of fighting against child exploitation.

EMT Training and Medical Supplies – provides funding and medical equipment so officers can become EMTs, ensuring victims of violence receive critical life-saving care when seconds count.

For more about the SPF’s vital community work, visit the SPF website at seattlepolicefoundation.org